Chinese Music Instruments Podcast

Welcome to our podcast!

This is where we share our newest arrivals, reveal tips and tricks about Chinese music instruments and finally perform something for you at the end.

Please enjoy!

8 Erhu Tips and Tricks | "慢慢喜欢你" (Ensemble + Vocal)
In this session, we've invited Mr Neo Yong Soon Wilson , a Zhonghu musician from Singapore Chinese Orchestra to talk about 8 Erhu tips and tricks! Mr Neo is a well known musician here in Singapore, who conducts various schools, Cheng San Chinese Orchestra and has countless Erhu students learning under his wing.
Price Friendly Chinese Music Instruments | "What a Wonderful World" (Ensemble)
In this session, we introduce a few budget-friendly Chinese traditional instruments that you can pick up from the comfort of your own home!
Synthetic Skin Erhu vs Python Skin Erhu | Reflections from "Mulan" (Duet)
In this session, we have a chat with our erhu instructor Ruijun to compare synthetic skin and python skin erhus.
All About Yangqin | "Jiang Jun Ling" (Yangqin Solo)
In this session, we have a chat with Anson about the different types of Yangqins and their structure, as well as debunking myths and false impressions that non-yangqin players have about the instrument.
All about Hulusi (Gourd Flute) | "Wang Chun Feng" (Trio)
In this session, introduce the Hulusi, the mythology behind the instrument and hold a demonstration of the various Hulusi that we carry in our store.
All about Pipa | Long Chuan (Solo)
In this session, we did a quick comparison between the Shanghai & Beijing Pipa, followed by a demonstration of our Qiu Ting Yu Pipa.
Mini Guzheng and Bags | Guzheng Solo
In this session, we talk about how the Covid-19 virus has impacted the Chinese music community here in Singapore. We also shared about our latest product, the newly arrived mini Guzheng as well as the Jiayue Guzheng Bags.

*Podcasts available in Spotify and Itunes as well.
